Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Fairness vs Justice

How often do you hear people say things like, "... but that's not fair..."?

People often appeal to some sort of sense of fairness; in many cases I think that this is good and appropriate, but sometimes it clearly is not.

Sometimes people also appeal to fairness as if it's some sort of Christian/theological virtue. But when you actually think about it, I don't think there's much of a case to be made for fairness if you look in the scriptures.

The reason why this comes to mind for me is that I recently ran across this quote in an article written by N. T. Wright:
"Justice never means 'treating everybody the same way' [ie. fairness], but 'treating people appropriately', which involves making distinctions between different people and situations." (This was written in the context of the homosexual debate within the Anglican Church; if you care you can read the whole article here).

A quick search found that, in the entire Bible (ESV), only Dt. 25:15 used the word "fair" (there were other usages of "fair", like "fair weather" but that's not what we're talking about), and 2 usages of "fairness" in 2 Cor. 8:13-14.

Compare these 3 usages of fair/fairness to 139 hits for "justice"! (There were 212 hits for "just" but I was to lazy to sift through alternate usages of that word... ie. "these things happened JUST as the LORD said", etc...).

What do you think:
Is God fair?
Is God just?
How are these two concepts similar/dissimilar?
What do you think of Wright's definition of justice?
What might be some the results, theologically speaking, of saying that God is fair vs saying that God is just?


officehourthoughts said...

For some great stuff on justice and God read pgs 220-226 in Exclusion and Embrace by Miroslav Volf. About your little lady Justitia he says "If Justitia is just, then Yahweh is patently unjust." Good stuff.

Timothy Braun said...

I've always wanted to read E&E but haven't got around to it. Everybody I know who's read it says it's amazing!