Monday, November 30, 2009

A little fun...

So I'm going to be having a really busy week and won't have time to do a proper post. This will have to suffice.

For those of you who don't know, Michael Bird is an Australian NT scholar (and regularly posts on the Euangelion Blog) who teaches at a theological college in Scotland. He's a brilliant scholar and all-around good guy.

Anyway, Zondervan has been going around interviewing various prominent authors/scholars and asking them which authors/books have been influential in their lives. For example, here is the video of my favorite Greek scholar, Bill Mounce.

Mr. Bird decided to have some fun with his interview:

This has kept me laughing for a long time... My favorite is Joel Olsteen and Joyce Meyer as "sentinals" of the faith... hehehehehe.

You can see his real interview here.

Anyway, I'm off to have a bubble bath and read some Barth!


Lisa Sawatzky said...

Ronald Raegan is a god? Who knew? I thought Oprah was the third... er... fourth person of the Trinity.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the laugh. I suppose in some ways though he is serious. As a theologian a lot of what must shape him is responding to people who buy into the Olsteen/Left Behind theology. So while he probably disagrees with everything they wrote, they still have shaped him and his message.
Nathan McCorkindale