Thursday, May 31, 2007

Theophile, huh?

Yeah, I know. All my friends and family are now thinking, "Tim's such a nerd." They're probably right.

But what is a "theophile"? Literally it would mean, "friend of God" or "one who loves God" but for me there is a deeper meaning. In John 21 Jesus confronts Peter and asks him if he loves Him. Jesus is wondering if Peter loves Him with an unconditional, limitless love (agape). Peter replies that he only "philo"s Jesus... that is, he loves Jesus with a friendship or brotherly kind of love. Peter's love is insufficient. Nonetheless, Jesus still loves Peter unconditionally and commissions him to "Shepherd my sheep" (vs. 15, 16, 17).

So that is why I am a "theophile". I'd love to say that I agape God but I often feel as though my love is insufficient, just as Peter's was. Nonetheless, Jesus has still called me to His ministry... and here I am.

So this blog isn't going to be your typical blog of posting pictures and keeping friends and family up-to-date. If you're looking for that you can go to Juanita's blog (there's a link on the side). This is going to be a blog for those theophiles out there who need a venue to think and express themselves outside of a Sunday morning service, or a small group.

So if you are a thinker, a lover of theology, philosophy, or abstract thought in general please continue to check in and share your thoughts.


Anonymous said...

Drumroll! Nice start Timothy. I'll read it with great interest. I am currently also enjoying an NT Wright book, "Simply Christian".If your blog gets too heavy I'll just jump to Juanita's site.

JonnySnatcher said...

Looking forward to reading the blog and have you do my thinking for me. (Never has been one of my strengths)Looks and sounds interesting man. Good on ya!

Anonymous said...

I maybe don't agape theology, but I probably philo it, can I still read your blog?

Lisa Sawatzky said...


I"m reading a book right now called "Love the Lord your God with all your Mind." by J.P. Moreland. I haven't finished the first chapter yet, just started it yesterday, but I already am very interested in what he has to say. You should check it out. I'd like to hear your opinion on it.

heather said...

cool... (for once, thats all I have to say)

Anonymous said...

I love you just the way God made you....

Looking forward to your challenging thoughts for all of us...

Karen said...

Hey Tim,

Really like the blog, it's a great idea. Looking forward to more posts and engaging dialogue.
